Some people will want to make you look bad so that they will not be alone in their misery. This is why you have people who jump into any conversation to run somebody down because they can not stand to see anyone look good. Do you remember the story of the 2 mother's and King Solomon? That is exactly what is at play. Because their banga no ripe... everybody must chop white soup. Kilode?!!!!!!!!!!!! Because your relationship ended badly doesn't mean every opportunity you get is to run other men or women down. Every human being, and by that l mean man or woman, has different tolerance level. Some first wives can accommodate 2nd, 3rd and 4th wife. Some can be the 3rd or 4th wife sef. That is their cup of tea. Some women can take it when their husbands have girlfriends. It's ok. As long as he is discrete and doesn't rub it in their face. Some other ladies can not stand the fact that their man even took a picture with another woman. One lady sent me a DM the other day asking what my wife thought about all these pictures of #RoyalPurple I post. Another woman was worried about pictures I take with ladies and added that they even have the effrontery to even hold me in the pix. She said if its her, the husband will explain. I know women who their husbands have kids out of wedlock. They did not leave the marriage. One man's meat is another man's poison. Every malam with hin own kettle. Don't be a feminist because your marriage did not work out. So anywhere you see couples having issues, it's to advise them wrongly. As long as its not physical abuse, leave them. That's how a lady was advised to pack out of her matrimonial home by her aunt when she found out her husband was with his ex in Kwara. Many years later, after the marriage was dead and buried, the lady found out that her aunt's husband had 2 kids out of wedlock. And the kids came for the husband's 70th wearing the aso ebi. She was so angry... But hey. You let her use her reggae to spoil your blues. In conclusion, your realities are different from other people's own. Stop making your issue a yardstick for other people's lives. But hey! what do I know? Shebi I be ordinary comedian. By Ali Baba